Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Basics Of Attributes And Class With Example

Classes are a logical grouping of attributes that apply to the same set of products.

Versioning is now available.

·         Product Classes provide a way to organize and administer product attributes.When a product get associated with the product class then all the attributes with the class gets inherited in the product.
·         Subclasses are product classes that have a parent product class.They inherit the attributes of their parent product class.

Attributes are characteristics of a product that a customer can choose.

A Product attribute has two parts:-

·         Name
·         Value

Product Attributes and Product Features are similar in concepts.They both describe characteristics of the product that are of interest to customer but Product Feature do not create configurability.

Two Attribute Domain Types used as Standard are:-

Enumerated:-Specific values that the Attribute can have. (Eg: LOV Values)
Free Form:-User can freely any value against the Text Box of the Attribute.

Steps to Create Attributes and Classes:-

1. Navigate to Administration - Product --> Attribute Definitions and create new records as shown below

2. Drilldown on the Workspace of the Attributes.

3. Select the domain type as Enumerated, (Free form will allow one to enter values manually) and Create new Records in the Attribute Values applet.

4. Release the Attribute Definitions.

5. Then go to Product Classes view to create new Product Class.

6. Drilldown on the Current Workspace of the Product Class.

7. Go to Attributes view tab and create new record.Select the Attributes created in the Attribute Definition Column.

8. Then go to Products view and lock the Product to attach the Product Class with the Product.Then Release the Product.

9. Test by Validating the Product.


  1. Hi Raghavendra,

    I have a question on PC but cant find a link to email or something relative. Could you help me out?


    1. please post your question here...i vl reply

  2. Hey and thanks for replying :)

    I am having trouble with some requirements set by the client and was looking for some help.

    The first part is to implement a matrix of products where:
    Product A should exclude Product B and C
    but Product B should not exclude Product A.
    The user cannot buy Product B if he has Product A but should be able to buy Product A if he has Product B

    I managed to implement this with the use of procedural condition variables, and CondExcl/Excluded UI Properties. The problem with this solution is that external systems cannot use it because the flag is not affected by UI properties.

    Part 2:
    If a solution is found for Part 1, this one is also solved. Otherwise:
    If the user has Base Tariff A and Products A, B, C
    Rule is that Base Tariff B excludes Product A
    The user changes Base Tariff and migrates to Base Tariff B but Product A should not be deleted, it should be left to expire.

    There are two ways you can see this requirement:
    1. The rule which should be implemented here is that if the user migrates to Base Tariff B which "excludes" Product A, Product A should not be deleted, but left to expire.
    2. If a product already exists, it should never be deleted if an exclusion rule is fired and if it does not exist it should not be available for purchase.

    Thanks a lot,

  3. for part1:

    Product A should exclude Product B and C

    Rewrite the above rule like

    Product A Require Product B quantity 0 and Product C Quantity 0.

  4. Hi and thanks for the answer, had never thought of making a require rule like that! Do you think this solution will affect the flag in the xml?
