Monday, 4 July 2011

Changing The Display Name Of an Item Of Type Checkbox For a Customizable Product

In the Bookshelf > Product Administration Guide > Configurator Web Templates > Modifying the Display Name of Items
The following 3 steps are needed in order to change display name of items:
1. Creating a New UI Control Template. You do this by saving a copy of the UI control template you selected in the User Interface view. Then you insert a
variable name in the new template.
2. Assigning the New UI Control Template. Assign the new template to the item.
3. Defining a UI Property for the Item. Define a UI Property for the item. "
Note: In the Bookshelf it is mentioned to change the attribute CfgFieldName = "CxObjName" however this does not exist in the eCfgControlCheckJS.swt
The above steps 2 and 3 remain the same. However for step 1 the following need to be considered when your changes are for a checkbox (based on
The eCfgControlCheckJS.swt contains the following code:
CfgFieldList="CfgFieldName:Name, CfgUIControl:lblName, HtmlAttrib_width:310, Default:Y*
CfgFieldName:RequireMoreChild, Default:Y*
CfgFieldName:Explanation, CfgUIControl:lblExplanation*
CfgFieldName:Customize, CfgUIControl:lblCustomize"
CfgJSShow="showCheckBox" CfgJSUpdateExclusion="updateExcludedItemForPort" CfgJSUpdateSelection="updatePortItemsForCheckBox"/>
A) In case you would just need to add additional information for your checkbox.
The information you want to display is stored your UI Property "My_UI_Property" and you want to display it next to your item name. Then the following
changes can be done in the template:
Add the following line to your cfgFieldList definition:
CfgFieldName:.My_UI_Property, CfgUIControl:lblName, DataSource:Broker, NeedRefresh:N*
The part of the template would look like:
CfgFieldList="CfgFieldName:Name, CfgUIControl:lblName, HtmlAttrib_width:310, Default:Y*
CfgFieldName:.My_UI_Property, CfgUIControl:lblName, DataSource:Broker, NeedRefresh:N*
CfgFieldName:RequireMoreChild, Default:Y*
CfgFieldName:Explanation, CfgUIControl:lblExplanation*
CfgFieldName:Customize, CfgUIControl:lblCustomize"
B) If you want to rename the item name with the value in your UI Property please note the following:
The Item name of the checkbox has additional functionality as it is displayed as a hyperlink when the checkbox is checked. Therefore, it is displayed via a
java script that is called in the template in tag by the following snippet: CfgJSShow="showCheckBox"
This actual java script is located in the cfgui.js file.Therefore, in order to change the display of the name you need to do the following:
1) change the .swt template
Instead of launching the showCheckBox script, launch your custom script: showCheckBox_Custom:
CfgJSShow="showCheckBox_Custom" CfgJSUpdateExclusion="updateExcludedItemForPort" CfgJSUpdateSelection="updatePortItemsForCheckBox"/>
2) change the cfgui.js file: (make sure to create a backup file before changing it)
2a) locate and function showCheckBox and copy it to showCheckBox_Custom.
Then change the showCheckBox_Custom function:
Call showDomainAndChildrenControl_Custom instead of showDomainAndChildrenControl
function showCheckBox_Custom (grpItemId)
showDomainAndChildrenControl_Custom (grpItemId, "checkbox");
2b) locate the function showDomainAndChildrenControl and copy it to
function showDomainAndChildrenControl_Custom (grpItemId, controlType)
2c) change showDomainAndChildrenControl_Custom function:
locate the following line:
and change it to:
2d) Save the files
3) Make sure to refresh the cache (browser and server)
This should change your checkbox display to the value defined in the UI property.
Please note: All your products that use your custom .swt file need to have the UI property defined in order to get the appropriate values for your

1 comment:

  1. Hi again,

    I needed your help for one more thing, which is related to this post:

    I am using this template: eCfgControlComboAddPriceAttribGridJS.swt for a certain type of Products. When I add one of these products I want to also display the start date of the line items, next to the product name.

    I have been trying to modify the swt/cfgui files but have not managed it yet. I am having trouble in how to get the data required for the Start Date.

